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Dr Seuss Collection

No te tau 1904 a Theodor Seuss Geisel whanau mai ai i Springfield, i Massachusetts - ko Ted te ingoa i mohiotia ra e ona hoa, ko Dr. Seuss ki te hia nei miriona tangata e monoa ana ki ana mahi. Mutu ana tana ako ki te Kareti o Dartmouth, i New Hampshire, ki te whare wananga o Oxford hoki, i Ingarangi, ka huri ia ki nga mahi tuhi pakiwaituhi mo te maheni, ki nga mahi whakatairanga ano hoki. Ka tere kawea ana tini pukenga ki te tuhituhi pukapuka ma te tamariki. No te tau 1937 tangia ai tana pukapuka tuatahi And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, a, nui atu i te 60 atu ano nga pukapuka ma te tamariki kua puta i a ia, ko etahi o nga tino pukapuka o te ao, e arohaina nuitia ana e te iti me te rahi - ko The Cat in the Hat (no te tau 1957), ko How the Grinch Stole Christmas (no te tau 1957) ko Green Eggs and Ham (no te tau 1960), me The Lorax (no te tau 1971). Ko Oh, the Places You'll Go! ta Seuss kupu ohaki, i tangia i te tau i mua i tana matenga, i tona tau 87. Theodor Seuss Geisel - known as Ted to his friends and as Dr. Seuss by his millions of fans - was born the son of a park superintendent in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1904. After studying at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, and later at Oxford University in England, he became a magazine humorist and cartoonist, and an advertising man. He soon turned his many talents to writing children's books. His first book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street was published in 1937 and he went on to publish more than 60 of the most beloved children's books of all time, from The Cat in the Hat (1957) and How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1957) to Green Eggs and Ham (1960) and The Lorax (1971). Published one year before his death at age 87, Oh, the Places You'll Go! is Dr Seuss's farewell salute.

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